Commission Painting Process:

Thanks for choosing me to paint a custom piece for one of your spaces! Listed below is how the process works.

1. We will meet in person or via zoom to discuss details, dimensions, color palette, budget and anything else you want. Pinterest boards, photos of art you like, and pieces of mine that are your favorite are all very helpful in this stage. ( You can be as involved as you want in the creating process or I am happy to come up with the majority of it for you!)

2. I will send you an email outlining the details we discussed along with a timeline, shipping/delivery options and pricing.

3. Once you have confirmed the details above, I will send you a Venmo request for half of the final amount. (The other half isn't sent till you have received your painting.)

4. I will order supplies and start working on a draft and color palette of your piece. I can send these to you via text or email, whichever you prefer.

5. After we choose your draft and color palette, I will start working on your piece! I am happy to send photos of how the process is going if you would like.

6. When your painting is close to being completed I will send a final photo and we can discuss if there are any changes you would like to make. After that I will need to complete the artwork, and no further changes can be made. This is why you hired me as the artist

7. It's YOURS!!!! Whatever arrangements were made for the delivery/shipping of the piece will be followed.

If you have any further questions please contact me. Thank you again for choosing me as your artist, I am so happy and honored to get to work for you! -- Below is a gallery of commission paintings I have done. Everything from abstract fun colors to favorite golf holes and vacation homes!